Goal: Secure and retain adequate and affordable health insurance for low income individuals
March, 2017 saw the close of the fourth annual open enrollment period under the Affordable Care Act. Since 2013, Partnership members, through the Milwaukee Enrollment Network (MKEN), have worked together to significantly reduce the rates of uninsurance and increase enrollment in BadgerCare Plus among childless adults.
Despite the uncertainty following the November election, in the 2016-17 enrollment year, MKEN members helped contribute to a 6.4% increase in Marketplace enrollment in the Milwaukee area, vs. a 1.6% increase state-wide, and a 4% reduction nationally. And, MKEN enrollment assisters noted that more than half of consumers who sought enrollment help were Medicaid eligible.
Milwaukee’s health systems recognize that collectively, we have the opportunity to build on our patient relationships throughout Milwaukee County by reaching out to the most vulnerable and supporting them in getting health insurance. Since 2013, we’ve taken a collaborative approach to share best practices, offer our Certified Application Counselors to staff community enrollment events and media drives, and partner with MKEN member organizations.
Elizabeth Cliffe, Director, Government Relations and Advocacy
Ascension Wisconsin
By the Numbers
Milwaukee County residents chose a Marketplace plan in the third enrollment period.
Source: Milwaukee Coverage Report
Consumers helped by enrollment assisters in the 2016-17 enrollment year in Milwaukee County.
Source: MKEN Enrollment Year Report