Business Health Care Group Honors Partnership with the 2017 Leading Change. Creating Value Award

The Milwaukee Health Care Partnership was recognized at the Business Health Care Group (BHCG)’s annual meeting in October for its dedication to improving health care coverage, access, care coordination and community health for underserved populations.
Presenting the Leading Change. Creating Value Award, BHCG executive director, Jeff Kluever said, “Addressing these critical health care delivery issues, the Milwaukee Health Care Partnership is truly making a difference in the health of our community. When we elevate the health of all the community, all boats rise. Their efforts complement the mission of BHCG to improve the health of our member employers’ employees and their families and the community at large.”
Accepting the award on behalf of the Partnership, Bernie Sherry, senior vice president, Ascension Healthcare and its Wisconsin Ministry market executive remarked, “This year, the Partnership celebrates its 10th Anniversary. Although I was not here when our local health systems initiated this consortium, I can certainly say that their original call to action is equally, and maybe even more important today.” He added, “My colleagues and I remain committed to working together to improve the health of this community – especially for those who are most vulnerable.”
Thanking the BHCG employer members, Joy Tapper, the Partnership’s executive director said, “It is also important to note that the work of the Partnership members not only benefits low income and vulnerable families in the Milwaukee area, it benefits the business community as well. Our efforts to connect people to coverage and care reduces the cost-shifting associated with uncompensated care and preventable, high cost ER and inpatient utilization.”