2024-25 Open Enrollment Period Reports Historic Total Enrolled 

The 2024-25 HealthCare.gov Marketplace Open Enrollment period ended January 15, 2025, and Wisconsin reported a record number of enrollments. 313,579 consumers selected Marketplace plans, representing an 18% increase over last year’s total and the highest total yet reported. While Milwaukee numbers are not yet available, a parallel growth trend is anticipated based on prior years. Coupled with a higher Medicaid enrollment rate than in pre-pandemic years, Wisconsin is now experiencing one of the lowest uninsured rates to date.  

“Adequate, accessible, and affordable health insurance coverage is critical to improving the health and well-being of individuals and our community,” said Justin Rivas, Director of Community Health Initiatives at the Milwaukee Health Care Partnership (MHCP) and Milwaukee Enrollment Network (MKEN) Manager. “While this last enrollment period’s results are promising, there is much to do, particularly given the recent proposed reduction in funding for insurance navigators. MKEN partners understand more than ever that this is a year-round effort.” 

MKEN is a consortium of nearly 100 organizations supporting the enrollment and re-enrollment of eligible individuals in public or private insurance, focusing on low-income, vulnerable populations. It is co-convened by MHCP and Covering Wisconsin.  

MKEN members work year-round, engaging multiple partners across sectors, to support data-driven consumer outreach and education efforts, local policy and planning leadership, and provide enrollment assistance for Medicaid and HealthCare.gov coverage to residents in our community. 

Get Involved in MKEN 

Interested in helping your clients and community get connected to coverage? Contact MKEN Manager Justin Rivas at jrivas@mkehcp.org