2023-24 Marketplace Open Enrollment Sees Significant Gains – Positive Trend Continues
The 2023-24 HealthCare.gov Marketplace Open Enrollment period, November 1, 2023, to January 16, 2024, closed with a significant increase in plan selections locally. Topping last year’s numbers, 266,327 Wisconsinites were newly enrolled on the HealthCare.gov Marketplace. This amounts to a 20.4% increase from the previous year’s enrollment period and marks a three-year positive trend in Wisconsin.
Yearly Marketplace Enrollment Data (Source: CMS Marketplace Open Enrollment Period Reports)

“We are thrilled to see another year of increased enrollment numbers, and I’m proud of the collective, data-informed efforts happening in Milwaukee to reach out, inform, and provide assistance,” said Justin Rivas, Director of Community Health, Milwaukee Health Care Partnership (MHCP) and Project Manager, Milwaukee Enrollment Network (MKEN). “We have seen an unprecedented mobilization and collaboration between health systems, community health centers, agents, brokers, issuers, local government agencies, and community-based organizations that will set the stage for our work together through MKEN into the future.”
MKEN is a consortium of nearly 100 Milwaukee organizations supporting the enrollment and re-enrollment of eligible individuals in public or private insurance with a focus on low-income, vulnerable populations. It is co-convened by MHCP and Covering Wisconsin (CWI), the state’s federally certified and state-licensed health insurance navigator agency.
The success of this year’s Open Enrollment season is particularly important given the simultaneous process underway to redetermine and renew Medicaid members statewide, potentially resulting in an increased number of individuals looking for new coverage options. Individuals who lose Medicaid coverage during this redetermination period (May 2023-June 2024) can enroll in HealthCare.gov Marketplace plans through special enrollment periods.
“We saw great successes during the Open Enrollment period this year, and our navigators remain very active in Milwaukee and around the state, helping anyone who wants assistance,” said Allison Espeseth, Director, CWI. “Consumers who are no longer eligible for BadgerCare Plus or Medicaid can still find affordable plans on the HealthCare.gov Marketplace – and our navigators are here to help for free.”
More information can be found at HealthyMKE.com or by calling Covering Wisconsin at 414-488-7746.