Improving health care for Milwaukee’s vulnerable populations
Established in 2007, the Milwaukee Health Care Partnership (MHCP) is a public/private consortium dedicated to improving health care for low-income, underserved populations in Milwaukee County, with the aim of improving health outcomes, advancing health equity and lowering the total cost of care.

Nearly 22% of Milwaukee County residents live at or below the federal poverty level, which is a household income of approximately $28,000 per year for a family of four.
The MHCP’s Framework
- Implement a community wide plan and policy agenda
- Serve as a clearing house for existing and new initiatives
- Facilitate communication among stakeholders
- Secure public and private funding for high-leverage initiatives
- Measure progress and overall community performance
- Improve effectiveness by reducing duplication, fragmentation and cost
Commitment to Racial and Health Equity
Health care has the power to impact racial and health equity by looking inward at operational policies and practices; as well as outward at how health care engages with patients and allocates resources in the community.
MHCP is committed to health equity – the notion that everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible. Advancing health equity requires naming racism and other forms of discrimination and addressing equity through specific anti-racist, data-driven and evidence-informed actions.